Craps Table – The Dice Rules

craps and dice

We all have seen the game of Craps being played on the television and movies. If you still don’t remember seeing it then let me remind you that Craps is the table in those casino movies where the player throws two dice together and then shouts the number he wants the dice to roll to. Although the game looks pretty easy in the movie but it is not so as the player could lose as easily as he can win the game. Craps is a very old game played in a casino and I think the popularity could be because of the excitement that the game associates with itself. It was actually a French game and wasn’t played in Northern America till the 1800 century. Don’t judge the game by its outer look. It is not as simple as it may seem from the outside and yes this game like any other has rules and regulations to play. The player must be aware of these rules as it will benefit nobody else but you. Also many people find the game very confusing, so knowing the rules will definitely help those people to play better.

So following are the basic rules/bets to play the game of Craps –

Come Out Roll – This is the first thing a player does in order to start the game. When the dice are rolled on the table, you would not want the sum of those two to be a 2, 3, 7, 11 or 12 as these numbers would cause the round to end then and there. The preferred sums are 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. These numbers determine a point and once that is found the puck will be placed on that number on the table. Now the game continues in the form of rounds until the dice either rolls a 7 or the number at which the point was determined.

Pass Line Bets – In this bet the player has to place a bet on the pass line of the table. Here if the dice numbers sum up to a 7 or 11 the round ends and the player wins. But if the sum is a 2, 3 or a 12 then the player loses the round. Here the point is determined when the dice rolls a number that does not belong to the above mentioned numbers. To win the pass line bet the player has to roll the point on the dice before getting a 7, otherwise you will not win the pass line bet. The payout ratio is 1:1.

Don’t Pass Line Bets – The name is quite suggestive itself and works in the opposite direction of Pass Line Bets. This bet allows the other players who are not throwing the dice to bet on the fact that the shooter will throw a 7 before getting the point number. Now if the player rolls a 7 or the “Craps” that is a 2, 3 or 12 the bettor will win the bet. Another important thing to know here is that if the Come Out Roll was 12 then the bet is returned to its player but the roll of a 7, 11 or the point will cause the player to lose. The payout ratio is same as the Pass Line Bets.

Come Bets – The Craps table contains a box that is used to place the Come bets. To win the Come bet the player must roll a 7 or 11. The payout is even. The rolling of Craps can cause the player to lose the entire bet. In this bet if the shooter gets a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 the rolled number will become the point. Once the point is determined the bet placed in the Come Box will be shifted to the point number on the Come Box. Now if the dice rolls a 7 before the Come point, the bet will be lost. To win the bet the dice must roll the Come point number before the number 7. The payout ratio is still 1:1.

Don’t Come Bets – As Don’t Pass Line Bets was the opposite of Pass Line Bets, Don’t Come Bets also the opposite of the Come Bets. In this bet the player first plays the Come Out Roll round and then places his bet for Don’t Come Bet on the table. As there is a Come Box on the table, there is also a Don’t Come Box on the Craps table. The bettor wins if the shooter gets a 3 or 2 and he loses if the bettor gets a 7 or 11. Rolling of a 12 returns the bet to the player. The numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 are getting a Don’t Come Point and here too the bet will be shifted to the point on the Don’t Come Box. The payout ratio is 1:1.

Odds Bets – This is also known as the backup bet and the player can place a bet that is three times the original bet amount. The bets for which the Odds Bets acts as a backup are the Don’t Come, Don’t Pass, Come, and Pass bet. The payout ratios differ in this bet and depend on the dice rolls. The payout ratios are explained below -


1. Come odds bets and Pass odds bets payout ratio:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

4 or 10


5 and 9


6 and 8


2. Don’t Pass odds bets payout ratio:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

4 or 10


5 and 9


6 and 8


Pass Line Odds Bets: This bet can be placed when the player clicks outside the Pass line below his first pass line bet. The payout ratios are as follows:

The Pass Line Odds bets payouts:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

4 or 10


5 and 9


6 and 8


Don’t Pass Line Odds Bets: A player here places his bet on the right hand side of his first Don’t Pass Bet. The payout ratios are as follows:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

4 or 10


5 and 9


6 and 8


Come Odds Bets & Don’t Come Odds Bets: These bets are placed under their respective names on the craps table. The bets can only be placed after moving the bet to the point box on the table.

  1. The Come Odds bets payout ratio:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

4 or 10


5 and 9


6 and 8


  1. Don’t Come Odds bets payout ratio:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

4 or 10


5 and 9


6 and 8


Field Bets: There is a Field Box on the table where the player can place his Field Bets. This bet is placed on the fact that the next number that will roll on the two dice will be a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12. The player loses if the dice rolls a 5, 6, 7 or 8. The payout ratio is as follows:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

2 or 12


3, 4, 9, 10 or 11


Big 6 Bets & Big 8 Bets: Again there are boxes printed on the table for these two bets where the player can place his bets on either. If the player places his bet on the Big 6 box then to win he should get his number before a 7 is rolled out. Also if the bet is on Big 8 box then he should get that number on the dice before getting a 7 to win. The payout ratio is 1:1.

Place Win Bets: Here the player has a variety of number options to choose from in order to place a bet on that number. The bets can be placed as long as nobody is rolling a dice at the table. To win the bet the player must get the bet number before getting a 7 on the dice. The payout ratios are as follows:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

6 and 8


5 and 9


4 and 10


Place Lose Bets: This bet is same as the Place Win Bets but the difference is that the player wins if the dice gets a 7 before getting the number on which he placed his bet. The payout ratios are as follows:

Dice Roll

Payout Ratio

6 and 8


5 and 9


4 and 10


Any 7 Bets: To win this bet the player must first place his bet on the number 7 and then roll the dice. If now the dice gets a 7 the player wins else he loses. The payout ratio for Any 7 Bets is about 4:1.

Any 11 Bets: Like the Any 7 bets here too the player places his bets on the number 11. To win the bet he must get 11 on the next dice roll. The payout ratio is 15:1.

Any Craps Bets: As in Any 7 and Any 11 bets the player placed his bets on the numbers 7 and 11 respectively, in the Any Craps bet the player has to place his bets on the Craps numbers which are 2, 3 and 12. To win he must get the bet number in the next dice roll. The payout ratio is 7:1.

Horn Bets: To place a Horn bet the numbers are 2, 3, 11 or 12. If the player gets his bet number he wins the bet. The Horn bet payout ratio is 15:1 for numbers 3 & 11 and for numbers 2 and 12 it is 30:1.

Hard Way Bets: To win this bet the player must get a 4, 6, 8 or 10 before getting a 7 but there is slight twist to this bet. In order to get the numbers 4, 6, 8 or 10 on the dice the number rolled on each dice should be same that is to get 4, 6, 8 or 10 the combination on both the dice should be 2 – 2, 3 – 3, 4 – 4 and 5 – 5 respectively. The payout ratios are 7:1 for the numbers 4 and 10 and for the numbers 6 and 8 the ratio is 9:1.

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